Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana
◊ 26ª Reunião Anual / 26th Annual Meeting
Scientific Meeting Program / Programa Científico Inscrições (apenas no local)
Abstract Rules / Regulamento dos resumos Abstract Submission / Submissão de Resumos
Organization / Organização: Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana (SPGH)
• Information / Informações
- The accepted abstracts will be published in the jornal Medicine.
- The best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.
- The best basic and clinical research presentations will be awarded.
- The SPGH - Professor Amândio Tavares Prize and the young researcher/ESHG National Fellowship will also be awarded. Award regulations on
- Registration fees include attendance to scientific sessions, coffee breaks, working lunch on the 18th of november and certificate of attendance.
Until 24th October/Até 24 de outubro:
- Members/Sócios (quotas em dia): 45 € / Non-members/Não sócios: 100 €
- Student members/Estudantes sócios: 25 € / Students non-members/Estudantes não sócios: 70 €
After 24th October/Após 24 de outubro:
- Members/Sócios (quotas em dia): 60 € / Non-members/Não sócios: 125 €
- Student members/Estudantes sócios: 35 € / Students non-members/Estudantes não sócios: 85 €
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us:
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Accommodation/Alojamento Sponsors/Patrocínios Scientific and Institutional Partners / Parcerias Científicas e Institucionais